Hot Topics in Planning & Zoning - Frankenmuth

When:  Aug 14, 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 (ET)
MTA Hot Topics in Planning & Zoning
This popular biennial workshop series is designed to ensure your township's planning and zoning team understands emerging land use issues.  We'll review what to do when your current approach to restricting an existing use isn't working and what you can (and can't) do to balance property rights with preservation of your community's character. Designed and presented by MTA Legal Counsel Catherine Kaufman, who brings her unique experience as both a planner and an attorney, and Seth Koches with the firm Bauckham, Thall, Seeber, Kaufman and Koches PC,  this workshop offer real-life, practical application.

Registration & dinner begins at 4 p.m. Class in session 5 to 8 p.m. Breaks will be provided.

*This course was designated by Michigan State University Extension for 3 hours of CE credit for those with the Master Citizen Planner (MCP) credential.