Treasurer's Guide to Tax Collection - Kalamazoo

When:  Nov 21, 2024 from 09:00 to 16:00 (ET)
MTA Treasurer's Guide to Tax Collection 

Whether you are a seasoned treasurer, newly elected or anything in between, this full-day workshop is a must! Collecting property taxes is a highly visible function of the township treasurer’s office. It comes with significant responsibility not only for the large amount of money collected but also for compliance with the General Property Tax Act. In this full day class, we’ll discuss applicable laws, “best practices” and more! Topics to be covered include: 

• Getting started
• Preparation of the tax bill
• Summer taxes
• Winter taxes
• Accounting for and disbursement of collections
• Settlement
• Delinquent personal property tax

Ample time for questions has been built in, so don’t be shy. This workshop is also appropriate for deputy treasurers and any employee who has some responsibility in the property tax collection process. All participants will receive the Treasurer’s Record Retention Schedule #29 and the Accounting Procedures Manual, plus get examples of what the tax bill can include to reduce taxpayer misunderstandings, cut through the confusion and reduce your call volume.

Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.; class is in session 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Continental breakfast & lunch are included.